Thu 02 Jan
Drop Dead Gorgeous ! High End Clientele Only ! Visiting May 30-June 4 - 69
(Northern Virginia, FAIRFAX)
Dangerously Addictive! Hot Azzzz Hell !!! Avail July 12-15 - 69
(Northern Virginia, HERNDON - RESTON)
Dangerously Addictive! Hot Azzzz Hell !!! Avail Sept 28-Oct 2 - 69
(Northern Virginia, TYSONS CORNER VA)
WEAVE PuRRRFECT 🆕🆕🆕 and MY @$$ shake like a CAR ★▌★▌★▌★▌★▌★ BOOTY Plus Tiddys | Mouth | Juicee - 69
(Las Vegas, ** C0me S33 ME ** The New B00TY In T0WN)
Indulge in a Beautiful, ELITE Playmate ----> VISITING from ATLANTA
(Northern Virginia, Dumfries Woodbridge Manassas IN/OUTS)
♥`°LATiNA .·○ MAMACiTA ●·PiSONA. ● $ 7O x15 . MiNUTES .◇`¤♡°··● · - 24
(Northern Virginia, manassas RT 234)
❤️❤️ Redhead specials VOTED best mouth 60$ morning specials ELIZABETH nj - 69
(Elizabeth, Elizabeth 1&9, North Jersey)
°oooH YaaaH ° * 1oo& 12o Spls* ~#(( CoMe GeT uR WarM MiLF& CooKieS ))#~ (SumNuPix) - 69
(North Jersey, journal square-JC-Hoboken-UC-Weehawken)
ONe CuTe, SeXy WhiTe GiRL + ONe CuTe, SeXy BLaCk GiRL = CooKieS & CReaM DReaM TeAM!! - 69
(Jersey City-incalls/outcalls 24-7)
╠╣oliday $pcl$ ❤• ╠╣oT •♥ BuSTY 36DD •♥ BLoNDE MiLF •❤ ReaL PiX ♥ - 69
(North Jersey, North Bergen-Jersey City-Hoboken-Weehawk)
BuStY CuRVy PuErToRiCaN HoT & ReAdY FoR U!! - 69
(San Fernando Valley, Private Incall in Van Nuys & Outcalls)
Baby Doll 5'7 190 42D🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀80hh/160hr SPECIAL🎀🎀🎀Oxon Hill - 69
(oxon hill temple hills suitland waldorf, Southern Maryland)